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Meet people who’ve resolved relationship problems at home, work, and in the community through prayer and a better understanding of their relationship to God.

Mental Health

Mental Health

Read how prayer has healed mental health challenges such as depression, bipolar disorder, and more, as people better understand their inseparability from God.

racial harmony

Racial Harmony

Learn about people who have prayed about racial inharmony and have seen and been a part of progress, as they saw each other as part of one human family.



Meet people who have been healed of all kinds of physical health problems through an experience of the transforming power of the truth about God and His spiritual creation.

Prayer about jobs

Jobs & Finance

See how people have prayed about about employment and financial issues and how they have found their needs met by relying on God’s provision and supply.


Gratitude can be healing, and we have a lot to be grateful for! See how people have found this to be true in their own lives.



Meet people who have gained complete and lasting freedom from addiction through a better understanding of divine Love’s government of their lives.

Prayer about Government


We all want to support good government, but how can prayers really be effective? Read how our prayer can be more than just good “thoughts,” but actually help bring change.

Click Here for Resources for praying about our world and ourselves

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
— Christ Jesus (John 8:32)